Most Wal-Mart stores in our area carry the powder packets of Pedialyte in the baby section. Tammy also found the powder packets of G2 but I'm not...
A week ago last Saturday MTW1997 arrived to find they had no reservation at the resort. Couldn't get ahold of Alpharooms so paid 1000.00 out of...
2108-2115 Ground level, front door PatyO's, slider door straight to Sexy Pool. Noise has never been a problem for us as we never go in till music...
And I didn't think you noticed that............. Several girls in our group had fishnet tops with nipples poking through and had no...
Average of 7 times a day? That would be an amazing trip!lol Glad you had fun and landed safely.............
Nice report Shelly. It was good to see everyone again and had a blast. We know Tiogamike was there in spirit lol.............
We leave out of Dallas at 7:20. Might have to have one when we get through customs in Cancun..........
Wow! Hope that included dinner and cocktails..........
Pretty well stuck with MGM due to comps. Haven't stayed in the signature yet, but looks like we need to try it out. Awesome view.........
Nice catch...........
Looks like Saturday could be a big meet and greet with a big drink..............
Hell Yes.......Tell Mike to bring the Ipod............Awesome Boobs Cruise song
2 friends here...............
XX bottles in the room and XX draft everywhere else. Can't help you much on the Whiskey as mostly only drink Wild Turkey and know they don't have...
Single ladies should never be left out..................
Thinking in a topless enviroment that the the hat won't get that much attention lol.....Should take care of the looking like a bloke issue as...
There was alot of it at Thanksgivng. Mostly red dresses and mostly CCC members who had predisscussed it on the forum.........
Leave at noon on the 2nd :(............
Damn, too bad you girls aren't going on the 1/28 cruise..........