I just bumped the Single Week Thread up! If you go to the Temptation Forums. You should see it! If you go to the second page. There is a FB link...
LOL!! I'll let Shebop answer that!! :p:p:p:p:p;);););)
Since she's a member at TTR! She has gotten a special group rate for us. :D:D
It's a week in May that was started by a friend! She's working with the resort to set up activities like a special dinner for us singles & a...
Let's Get This PARTY Started!! :D:D:D:D:p:p:p:p:p
Looks like I'll be attending these restaurants that you speak of!! ;);) Is a nice pair of khaki short & Hawaiian shirt okay????:):):)
May 22 to 30 !! :):):):)
GO!!! :):):):) You'll have a BLAST!! My friend has gotten a Singles Week started in May! May 21 to 28! TTR is an AWESOME Place to have FUN!! :p:p:p
Just wanted to say Merry XXX-MAS & Happy New Years to my Temptation Family & Friends! May it been one of Happiness & Joy!!
Who's READY!!! :D:D:D:D
There's always room for more!! :):):)
Jump on the Singles Week ..May 21st to 28th!! :D:D:D:D
Have Fun!! :D:D:D
Enjoy!!! :):):)
I would go with the 4 days!! Being Newbies! The first day can be over whelming with meeting new friends & Partying! Day 2! You know what's up &...
I have done 2 in one visit! :D:D:D And I can remember do 3 cruise last Halloween!! I love them! Gives me a chance to meet new people each time!!...