That is great, but I fail to see how your post is in any way related to mine. I was stating I would gladly have let Steve use the artwork I...
T Shirt I would have been happy to give you our design to use. We had purposely not put the Temptation name on our design so the T Shirt could...
Your picture When they do the roll call, it will pick up your pic that displays with your name. Your posts do not show a picture. You have to...
Sept Roll call Re-Post
No offense meant Steve. I had made suggestion several weeks ago and got several responses but no input from you. I realize you cannot monitor...
T Shirt The wording in case you cannot read it: On Back: "We Saw, We Conquered, We Came". This is of course in honor of and in homage to TTR's...
T Shirt for Last Week Wrecking Ball Crew Now I have it figured out, here is front and back: [IMG] [IMG]
T Shirt for Last Week Wrecking Ball Crew OK all: Here is the design Dianne and I came up with. I paid for the license for the art. Cost for a...
Hi Jannet: Looks like it is time for an update to the first page on those going in September. Need to see who all is there for the last week. I...
I was using a site also, but if that one lets people order their own and ship that works too. The one I priced at $6 per shirt is just a simple...
Should you go? NO The resort is not good for people that start multiple threads in the same day without any history. This will be my only...
OK, if any real interest shown, I will post link to a mock up. I am interested in purchasing 2 of the bracelets you will have. Thanks Ron and...
T Shirt Will wait a few days, see if any real interest. If so will organize ordering. Shirt cost with print is $6, figure $4 for postage/paypal fee.
T Shirt for Last Week Wrecking Ball Crew Is anyone interested in a simple T shirt? Grey T Shirt with this on back: WRECKING BALL CREW...
T Shirt for Last Week Wrecking Ball Crew Is anyone interested in a simple T shirt? Grey T Shirt with this on back: WRECKING BALL...
Sept 22 date Ron and Dianne for the 22nd. That is two to add to the list for that date.
Could not miss close-down party!! It's official. We will be at TTR September 20-25. Jacuzzi Suite as always. May have to try the TTR Cruise in...
we should be at the pool around 2
They make a call the morning of the cruise on the weather. If it is too rough they will cancel and refund. However, looking at the weather...
We arrive Mar 2 also, look forward to meeting you. We go to NOLA often as well.