Agreed, this one needs to be seriously wild. Our cruise in March was very "entertaining" so the bar is high. The funniest part was seeing...
Link would not work for me.
We have 2 set up: roulette wheel for shots and a card game: "I've Never". We can have both going at same time and get everyone a good set of...
Officially now just 1 week till we are in the pool at TTR Bags all packed, room crawl games packed, fireball for Boobs Cruise packed, ready for a...
Will be a great time!
Yes they had a ton of placards a year ago, gave you cards on it at check in, had a sign in the lobby, there was a card next to your phone in the...
As long as there is booze, the sexy pool and good friends, we will be just fine
Welcome to the party! Last week of old TTR Should be epic!
Flight late Sun 25th Ten We fly out late Sun evening
The balconies are separated from the neighbor on each side by a metal "screen" (plate with holes). In addition, you have the lights from the...
toptional Yes, no idea about toptional or not. Just know the hotel hosts a lot of parties, and the rooms look different than the usual. Hotel...
Vegas Look at Rumor Boutique Hotel. Has theme rooms and they are TTR type crowd friendly according to their website We are always up for a...
Welcome Welcome to the party, should be good as we close down the old model
Our Bubba Mugs: [IMG]
Of all of our visits in Feb, May, September and November, have never had a problem with mosquitos. Have seen some welts before, that was when...
You will also get a bracelet if you go on a Boobs Cruise (highlyrecommended).although Ihave worn the bracelets before, I have to admit I never...