May 7-14th. Actually bring about 5 other single ladies with me.
Tons of singles actually. You'll have a blast
I remember my love! Looking forward to celebrating with you! Again.. :icon_eek: Trouble!:angel1::sofa:
Same reason I couldn't keep going with it.. Made it thru but working 2 jobs it was too much. Love the Derby Dames!
OMG me tooooooo!!!!!
What what!!!!! Yaaaaaaayyyyy! :partytime:
Edible spirit glue and those candy dots on paper. Or fruit roll ups. Cotton candy. Get a box and string and make it like a movie box (popcorn,...
Sweet! I get in the 7th!!! I'm sure there will be plenty of shots shared! Looking forward to meeting you guys!
She goes with a ton of us that are single every year. It's the roommate situation usually that stalls us. Getting dates down etc. Phuck we know...
<---- is shocked you guys haven't done Hedo yet. I don't mind draws, I just need a mask that breathes more than the one I have. But we know...
Awesome!!! I look towards to meeting you guys!!! Always a great week!
[IMG] [IMG] *[IMG] *[IMG] *[IMG]
Steve doesn't put the dates up until the month before. So check in April
Cuz you rock mister. Xo
Of course I remember you!!! How are you?!?? We're tentatively going May 8th-15th. Give or take. Haven't gotten flights yet. I used to go that...
I gotta start shopping...
LMFAO. :anon: We should have a Masshole meet up. When it gets a Lil warmer. :huepfen021:
Will do and Thank you sugar!!! You're the bestest. Xoxo Jess N Paul can't wait to see you guys again!!!
Right!?!!! That's what I'm sayin':angel2: I know they are gonna change the themes again.. I can feel it.. :aktion054:
They changed the theme nights on The Official Temptation Resort night life page. So Taboo Night was like 4 days ago.. lol. Which explains me...