So wear your jungle stuff for lingerie. Like anyone would say anything? Except meow!
What are your dates?
So many single females the 2nd week in May.. I know Me, Steph, Polly, Sue, and 2 others. lol.
I was laughing hysterically. The fries were delicious. Poor guy just kept shaking his head at us. hahahaha :angel1:
We start off the day with some swell bible studies.. A bit of yoga. Then on to crazy games of cribbage and maybe slap jack.. I know I know. Slow...
Yes. The back of the boat had an awning
Add your names, and possibly a pic, so Jamie can post you on the roll call Welcome to Mayhem :huepfen021:
May has a very high theme participation rate too. So fun.. I know June has a huge fun crowd also
Aww man you would miss the single girls in lingerie.. :aktion034: But maybe they can just pen us all together and keep the couples away....
Only 10 people.
More like hardwood floor diving now. Lol
Could have sworn you saw some in the cigar bar early one morning Bahahahaha. :aktion030:
Usually it goes dinner then theme. Usually I don't do clubs either, but when I have I wear club clothes. Small but flashy and sexy. Not theme...
Looking like October 7-??? I dunno Haven't booked yet, but it's happening. And there WILL be killah themes that well cuz that's what we do....
Jamie you're good people. Xo
[IMG] October baby. xo
Fuckers changed the theme nights but not enough to really make a difference. So there's that
YYYEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! That will be awesome! :headbanger:
Boooooo. Just sayin