Oh and the prices aren't that far off which is blowing my mind. The Saturday night I wanted to add to temptation is only $50 less than desire. So...
Is it weird that just made me Sad?!? Awww. Omg that was such a great time though. I certainly hope you had a Pimms cup, or two for me. I was...
Omg mister! Did you just write that to make my mouth water, and to be totally jealous! So can't wait to see you both!!!!! Eaaaakkk. (Melly doing...
Ok flights finally purchased!!!! We will be there October 28th- November 5th, then heading to Desire Pearl November 5-7. So we can decompress...
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Steve! Happy Birthday to yooouuuuu!!! Hope its a great one!!! xo
Booked for Halloween week. October 28th- Nov 4th. I would love to do the opener. Looovvvee "The Red Hot Cherry Popper's! " Ahahaha
Dennyp And castaways travel Both usually post, and host, groups and events for Hedo.
I have been to Hedo II multiple times, and Negril in general multiple times.. Love <3 Hedo has a chiller vibe that Temptation.. The people are...
Hedo in May 6-13th, And Temptation as soon as humanly possible..
:( boooo
Duh! Don't mind me. But of course. She just got married! <3 Hedo isn't so much her, or the new Hubby's, speed though. She's doing great though....
I haven't since the thread began.. That would be awesome seeing as they are so much fun..
Well aware sugar. But thank you.
Thanks for the heads up coke w/lime. Funny Kevin said nothing about that stuff, and I asked about the pool party already too and they just...
:icon_eek:Mmnnmmn. Maybe. We have 40 rooms. Can always get more also. The $200 down ends in July, after that it will be 20% No set end...
Ok here is the start of something beautiful.... Click here for trip deets
Crazy Phuckers Hedo Homecoming May 6th-12th 2017 The Phuckers are going back to Hedonism II!!!! Join us May 6th-13thth, 2017, for a week of...
I want to try to get there before close, even if its just a long weekend.. I have to hold off on any booking right now as I am a part of the...
But of course! Looking forward to partying in paradise with you guys!!!! :liebe011:
:ladiesman1: [IMG] Thank you love!!!! I'd much rather party with fun peeps like you too!!!!! So you must come and party dammit!!! Firming...