I think this still needs clarification Steve - anyone can follow - so anyone can see? We assumed (see above) that perhaps both parties need to...
We're following you too.....can still only see 55.....you?
Let's do that....
Same, 55.......I assume you still can't see ours... STEVE....!!!!!
You have 108 media pics, and we can see 55.....if that helps.
Our albums are all marked "private" But I think Steve needs to clarify that this still means only friends/ people that follow us, have access.
Found them! Thanks x
It's pretty much the same format as another forum we use, so shouldn't take too much getting used to.
On the old CCC our pics were only visible to our 'friends'. A. Have we still got any friends? B. If so, where are they? C. Are our pictures now...
Well, well.....we're hoping to go sometime the back end of this year too! Hope the vibe is still there....and the people xx Keep us in the loop xxxx
Great review! As for the topless issue, we've just got back from 3 weeks at a totally vanilla, adult's only resort in Mexico, and GoGo was...
Hey you two! We got back from 3 weeks in Mexico this morning - still jet lagged! Had a great time, adult's only but not that TTR vibe. Will be...
Well....is he? :daisy: [ame="[media]"][media]
UK travel agents are already taking bookings.....if you can still afford it! :icon_eek: :daisy:
It's there Trish...
Maybe not.......this is a 2015 thread......:daisy:
:daisy:Well Trish, let's keep our fingers crossed that the likes of Thomas Cook will still be selling packages to TTR, as this is the only...
They do indeed.....check their website for up to date info...https://desireresorts.com/desire-riviera-maya/nightly-entertainment/ :daisy:
What in the name of...is BEEF bacon? Bacon comes from a pig.... :daisy:
Sounds about right. I fell ill at Desire last year, and the hotel called the doctor (we didn't, as I deemed it unnecessary) but he arrived...