Les/Lynfa Have been reading your posts for years, you guys mentioned in this post on page one that you would be booking, it will be great to...
Ace1 Did you guys book, Rob only had great things to say about you guys when we were in Cabos in April, it would be great to meet you guys
Hi Zurc Did you end up booking, it would be cool to meet up with you.
Excellent numbers Rob We have just been discussing on e-mail today. This summer is our Ball Teams (slo pitch beer drinking league) 25th year. We...
Sorry you didn't have a good time, we had a great time. I wonder if it was the time of year, April versus June, perhaps the amount of people we...
Try Los Cabos Did 5 in Cancun, have now done 2 in Cabos Next trip will be back to Cabos (well techncially, next out of country trip will be...
Nice trip report Ian, great to hear you had a good time, say Hi to Nat.
Hey Ed I agree with you for the most part, stiffer penalties would stop some of the crap, but don't forget when New Jersey beat out Philadelphia...
Another weekend, another booking So far we have 5 rooms booked, doesn't count Rick and Faye, Bobbie and Harold, James and Leeanne, Ontario has...
Booked our flights last night. Out of Buffalo, landing in New Orleans at 9:19 am, seat selection, airfare, taxes, fees, all in for $590.00 for...
Booked 2 more rooms this weekend, up to 5 total rooms from this end. Anyone sitting on the fence, we were informed on Saturday night that that...
Hey kid, good to see you back...Backs What's the word on NO, you book it yet!!
Out of Buffalo is usually (and in these examples) always a layover, anywhere from 45 minutes to 4 hours. We are looking forward to seeing you...
Rob #1 Male pole dancing is wrong...lol, who wants to see that, certainly not Theresa who convinced us all to go. #2 Cage dancing at Cabos...
We have booked Friday/Saturday and Sunday, so we won't be leaving until Monday, haven't booked airfare yet, but initial checks out of Buffalo on...
I am not sure, I found Cabo to be go, go, go. I came home exhausted, in fact on the day we left, I slept in the cab from the resort to the...
Rob A few people in this one look familiar, no chance this was from the old BBG end of Feb, 1st of March 2005 is there?
Were in, let us know the dates, sounds like a blast. Maybe we can contact the resort and have a dock set up outside simialr to Cancun....
I believe it worked out to 35.00 a person, 70.00 a couple, Rob and T took care of all that stuff, I beliueve they found the company doing internet...
Barb and I slept through the trip into town the one night. We decided to venture into town on our own and see if we could find everyone. We were...