Well not so solved...everything worked great for a while. Time to drill down a bit further.
Solved my issue re albums...tracking protection setting in Firefox :doh:
Steve, thanks for your replies :) I pretty much figured these things were beyond your control and I get the need for automation / CDN. It...
Noticed that the empty place holder for pics in albums have a near 0 file size (43 bytes). Still doesn't explain why sometimes the empty place...
So you got "caught" surfing inappropriate adult content as well? Sorry couldn't resist :doh:
Update: The beast was bought and returned to the ocean. Lets hope he doesn't head south anytime soon!
Yeah that lobster has some really big "mitts" to grab with :eek:
At 23 lbs I may never go swimming again...thankfully Cancun doesn't have bad boys like this, right? Almost as bad as the Tiger shark that made...
Hmmmmmmmmmm, wondering if Janice enabled some parental controls on me, lol.
Or is anyone else having issues viewing albums these days? Some pics are just place holders and you can view them if you click on them, the exact...
We find May and over Labour Day to be the best for us...very hot though. Awesome people no matter what time you go :) Scott
Unfortunately we won't be able to make it...will be recovering from surgery (Scott). Would have been nice to see everyone and could have squeezed...
I knew I should have never posted the "Crown Bag" pic ;)
Just got a news letter from Premier...Demolition Party 20-24 September with: Chinos, Mario, Omar, Lalo, Willys, Victor and J.J Now that...
That it was!
We looked in to booking with / through WP and wound up getting cheaper and better flights ourselves than what was available on WP.
Sounds like you are doing everything right :) I'd suggest USA Transfers if you haven't already. Welcome to the TTR fold.
Referral weeks are 25% off the rack rate but for the most part you can usually find prices somewhere in between the 2. I personally think that...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Dolly the sheep :) She is my fav ;)