We come the day before you guys. We see you by the pool.
Hello my H&H, last year me & Baby G upgraded to the gold package & was given a free week at TTR OR 4 days at DRM. I had to wait until I was 2...
We just ordered our H&H shirts.
Me & Baby G just finish putting together our king size bed. Now trying to figure our how in the hell did I move a king size sofa couch into my apt...
61 misable day until BLISS
Hey Donald would that work 4 Craig G
I'm going back to The Whiskey Library next Sunday 2 get some ideas for a rare bottle to bring.
I promise Baby G to take her out 1 night downtown, for maybe a pub crawl, or a club. If I'm not trashed then both!!!!!!! Or maybe the tequila...
Instead of a room crawl, probably be a room carry.
Ok all H&H let"s get those creatived juices flowing so your shirt is crazy looking. Don't forget your Cancuncare name on it.
Crashing rooms, drunken people, barely clothe people, sounds like a coming attraction movie.
R we picking a day 2 all wear our H&H shirts.
In 6 trips, we been 2 the ruins, Isla Mujeres, & Cozumel. Now I want the mini- speedboats.
We are going to DRM Nov 2nd- 6th.
We are going 2 do this opposite the boobs cruise day.
I'm taking 1 day & calling it adventure day. Want 2 do the mini- speedboat & ATV thing. Plus Baby G wants 2 VIP at Mandala 1 night. So maybe we...
So who is wearing the pornstar costume.
Hey Chris what was the name of the travel insurance company you was talking about.
72 days left 4 a EPIC H&H THROWDOWN!!!!!!