We are going to TTR on May 1st-7th, will try to come for H&H. Baby G only have 1 week of vacation, she is trying to hold it until March when she...
68 days left, time to start my immune system buildup to tequila. First drink at the SEXY POOL on May 1st will be a Monkey Sperm.
We are coming May 1st-7th, usually go during Halloween with the Hotties and Hellrairers, but want to see about the craziness of a May group. Baby...
So when are you guys going, we will be there May 1st-7th. So are there any crazy theme nights set up for theses dates, besides the resort nights.
About what time did the rented start, plus what kind of liquor did they give you
Thinking of renting the yacht this time out. Has anyone done this already.
We actually get to TTR on May 1st- 7th, looking forward to a crazy week.
Hey guys we are coming down May 1st-7th
We book May 1st- 7th, usually go with the Hotties and Hellrairser during Halloween but will give May a try.
We remember you dancing up high by the video screen, back at Halloween. Classic Spicy. Every time I hear Timber we laugh our AZZ OFF
First Hello to all you May TTR people. We are usually Hottie and Hellrairser people, but we will be going to Aruba or St Maarten this Halloween....
We might not join our H&H this Halloween. Promise Baby G to take her to Aruba or back to St Maarten. She only have a week of vacation time. But if...
Happy New Years to all our H&H
R we H&H doing a fireball shot on New Years 12:00 midnight
Baby G just started her new job, and will have 4 days off b4 June 1st, then 7 days off from there. She turns 40 years old in March so have to take...
Merry X-Mas to all, from the G-Spots
Hope construction doesn't interfere with H&H 2016
Happy Thanksgiving to all H&H. Happy fireball shot 2 u all. Don't overeat, but drink up good. Finally can drink up the tequila we brought back....
We have been to DRM the last 3 years. We love the vibe & workers there. The food & drinks are on par with Secrets to us. Hope this help.
From what the rumor mill at Desire was about TTR was, a June 2016-June 2017 makeover. Sexy pool bigger, a mural of a sexy woman at the bottom....