I think Jess is saying she could occasionally use a break
Dancing is my exercise at TTR, and I might get a better workout from that than any workout I do at the gym. The last 2 trips I've lost feeling in...
Count me out Kevin. I'm shy.
October 5th, 4 people!
Yep, except when I'm wearing a jock strap! :headbanger: -Ryan
Kyle, if my ass is covered at PatyO's it's either before 10 or security made me put my pants back on. :mnm:
Hmm, "hysterical" not quite what I was going for lol! :icon_biggrin: But to your question: I like international jock, fresh pair and Aussie...
Um holy wow please nix your apologies that's fantastic!
Steve we'll miss the cruise if it's on the 6th and will hate it! We booked for a short trip and locked in our dates once we saw the cruise was...
Me either but man it brings back the school days. And they're definitely calling it quits after this, makes me kinda want to catch it.
Just like my sexy wife, my swimwear shrank after a couple trips to ttr. Every day is square cut day! Except when it's jock strap day!...
I'm already so disappointed that we're missing the toy exchange - if Chinos is gonna be there I'll just lost it!
Kyle the happiest I've ever been to get the green light at CUN I had a carryon containing a beer pong raft, a dido, a vibrator, 6 cans of AIWC, 3L...
Hey all you Shit show peeps! Jess and I set up a new Facebook account so we can keep the crazy away from work and other prudes. So if you get a...
Look forward to meeting you too! Ryan and Jess
Nope, no kids for us either. Got married young, she said no I said meh, maybe later. The longer it's just the 2 of us the more we want to keep it...
We just spent an awesome weekend with great friends we met on our last couple TTR trips and now October seems so much further away!!
You guys missed the books cruise?!? That Anna Karenina is soooo hot! And Omar and Chinos are so believable acting it out. Lol. Damn autocorrect.
I wore a white/sheer sparkly one of those in Feb on the books cruise. And yes this is Ryan. Ryan the male. I'm starting to think we're gonna fit...
Y'all know We'll be there, guessing 14-20 but we never book til September or October. Meanwhile, we just booked a 4 day booster shot for...