Wow did I seriously write this 2 months before last week 8??? Guess I had a quick change of heart. :bootyshake:
Oh and if you're noticing the taste of AIWC, you're doing it wrong!! :69:
Did you refrigerate it or leave it out in the sun? It's sposed to stay room temp and gets runny if it's too hot or cold. I bring a little softside...
QUINCE!! Snagging the last seat - let's party man!
Game on bitches!! Ryan an Jess are in!!
Another vote for vanilla. Brown whipped cream is Just. Not. Sexy. Also, random dudes will beg for the can and then empty the whole thing on one...
And a raft. And a battery powered toy or two. Never been so glad to see that green light.
Hey no judgement bro, just don't want to lead you on.
I swear by the pedialyte-type powders but got sick of paying for it and looked into how to mix my own since salt and sugar ain't exactly pricy. So...
Craig, buddy, we're gonna have to talk.
I just ordered a few trunks n drawers... I can neither confirm nor deny that one item could be considered more risque than the borat sling....
They made Lenni go cover the beans after a little bit :aktion051:
Hey guys we'll be in on the 14th with a raft and, well, it ain't for the lazy river :cool014: 3 years running we've had no problem at the pool...
We're in for 2 on the 18th!
Hell Brent you know I couldn't stand still for that.
I voted but as you may have noticed last year, I tend to wear whatever TF I feel like on any given night. And I usually felt like not wearing much...