We had arrived on Sunday, a few days before many of the HNH arrived. At that time there was certainly comfortable toplessness going on. By the...
Oasis Sens Trip report Will start off by saying what a great vacation we had! This was our 11th trip, our 7th Halloween trip, the HNH group has...
Early Assessment Just wanted to give you all a quick assessment as we arrived this afternoon. So far so good. Beautiful resort and grounds. We...
Packing up right now. Heading out at 4am! Should be at the resort by noon on Sunday! We will get the party started as our HNH friends start...
Laura and Will, please add us to the list. We will not be partaking in the wine tasting but would love to be where the fun is! Paul & Lisa
Has everyone read Spicy's review in the Meeting at Oasis sticky? I missed it, Lisa found it. Great review! Very encouraging
I see you guys booked for the re-opening. What site are you booking on, most travel sites are not taking reservations yet. We definitely won't...
So is anyone concerned about an adult Halloween party starting at 6:30pm? Seems like we will be going room to room trick or treating!
You were the hands down winner last Halloween, I spent the entire night tripping over my jaw:partytime: This will again be the highlight of the...
Sounds like a volunteer:xyxthumbs:
So the mailman brought me this package today that says "Doc Johnson Candiland Peppermint Stix Body Spray":D What could that be for? Silly...
OK Guys and Gals, It's getting close and this forum is getting too quiet :musik026: Time to make some noise! Has anyone checked out the...
It's getting close to party time. I am putting together a MS Word file with pictures, names and CCC names for those attending the party,...
Yes, you have mentioned this a number of times. There appears to be a few tiny details that you either don't know or chose to leave out as I'm...
I agree Matt, enough of the glass half empty, we know what it is not, we will make it what it needs to be!:partyhorn: Anyone for a massage...
Hey, I am the creator of many fun/bad adult games... I'm sure I can come up with an adult version of Bingo.... and I just might:partyhorn:
We are planning a few game type parties, would that Shillabar pool be an area that a bunch of us could get together and be able to do our thing...
Paul & Lisa are Booked!!!
Batteries included Well we are a month and it's just about party time! Just wanted to remind everyone this is a great time to order your "Toy"...
Lisa has placed her semi annual Yandy order! Getting close and very exciting!