Booked Hey Hotties and Hellraisers, We have officially booked for October 23rd - November 1st! Once again we will be ringing in Lisa's 39th...
Booked Hey Gang, We are officially booked for the Grand Oasis Sens for trip 11, (ok, I guess this now needs to be called trip 1) from October...
We vacation on Halloween and in April (without kids) I would say with 95% certainty we will be booking Oasis Sens within the next couple of weeks...
This would be a great opportunity for GP to initiate some conversations with TTR former entertainment staff! What a great business move that...
Woody & Sue, safe travels. Have a great time! Will be missing you. We should be back for Halloween, hope to see you guys again soon! Paul & Lisa
You better make sure Bradley has appropriate sun protection! Lisa is very concerned and would feel responsible if he were to get the slightest...
We have snuck up there a few times successfully, hung out there quietly for about an hour. We did get caught once, was with another couple that...
Hi Craig, I see you will be joining the April Addicts at the end of the month. Lisa and I will not be joining them this year, we are celebrating...