Good luck man...I´m here in the north of Spain, hope that storm dont screw us too!!!! in 3 days, hittin´ Cancun!!!!!! OH YEAH!!
great report norma, keep partying and telling us.... I´ll be there in 4 days woooooooo!!!
me alegro mormis, como esta la cosa por ahi? besos.... 4 days to go!
mmmmm 15 maybe? we should vote...
see u soon mormis, good flight...
count with me and my crew!! we are from 13 to 21...let us know wich is the plan...anyway you just have to look for the spaniards to find...
hey amigo, mira ti por donde vou a atopar un veciño portugues neste foro :D cando viaxas a cancun amigo? saudos dende A Coruña!!
you can try with whis´s cheaper... [img] :lol: :lol: :lol:
It´s gettin closer Jason... 5 days for me...cant wait!!!!!!!!!
See U man!!! Good trip to chicago...less to cancun!!
This is the way here in Spain: Boys - Take a shot! Girls - Hug, 2 kisses in the face, 1 wet kiss in the mouth, then touch the left boobie...
[img] :lol:
have a safe flight bro!!!!! :cool:
5 days for me, i´m gonna try to keep te hype this 5 days now that greta is in the way to cancun... [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]...
Re: ... [img]
man, you´re going to have a me!!! :lol:
you have my vote mormis ;)
Re: ... that´s because yo have alcohol in the stomach...drop that beer... :lol:
you can use my razor.. [img] careful... :lol:
It´s easy to find me and my friends...if you see 4 drunk spanish guys, everyone different from each other and partying have found...