Damn! Nice picture Henry! Nice location of apartment too!
That made me cry a little bit hahaaaa GREAT Commercial! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry for your loss buddy, it sounds like you had a top dad who I'm sure is looking down on you proudly! Riki
[media] This second video is a promotional video for my girlfriends pastors sons Ministry, I think its very uplifting and I'm not really...
Bollocks, big dangly bollocks to ya lol No Crutches this time :P...if i get to go im gonna be running allover lol just cos i can! And CindyB...
I Agree totally Fletc, awesome movie, and Liev Schreiber I think stole the show, he was brilliant! I Also liked Gambit!! Cool character! I...
Doctor doctor "I think I have the swine flu" Doctor says " Well what are your symptoms" "I Have Rashers allover me" says the patient...
If I get a job soon enough then ya damn right I'm in for 2010, what would the legends return tour be without a legend like me! :lol: :lol:...
Hey! I Wish I could come to the Chicago Party, but unless I hit a Lotto win that's not happening.... I've been good, trying to get a job in...
I Haven't been around in a while How is everyone? Update me!
21 days!!! That is HARDCORE! Good effort!
Ohhh I'm crying [img] Joe looks like Popeye! haha FAN FOOKING TASTIC
Is that because of all the dust collected through it not buzzing?
Theyre going for £300 plus on ebay lol screw your friends make some dough!
He's pretty good too!!...
I didn't go this year but in 08 and the lines were never bad at all, i don't think i actually ever waited... and i went peak weeks... The Oasis...
i'll be there 5-19 so bang bang best of both worlds
Good Idea Drew Thanks Steve, I've made quite a few friends because of you and this site!
Haha I love it! I sure am coming back I can't miss 2 years in a row... granted money and health are fine I WILL BE BACK IN CANCUN 2010