Smile test...which equals slammers! Are we still on?
JanScott, were not on there but will be there May 9th - 16th ok
Seems I have a test to pass with Jamie! I never used to like tests??? Seems I will have to pay attention on this one!
There is nothing better then a Bloody Mary to start your day! Slammers to get volleyball started and Gin and Tonic for the evening as far as I am...
Jamie, you are my slammer friend! You put that challange out there and I mean to step up to it! Were all going to have so much fun! Now just so I...
Why thanks Jamie, watch yourself...Paybacks can happen in the most odd times and ways! Haha
Great! So, I am the one who is willing to jump into most things feet first and say to myself later..."What was that" so just know ahead of time...
fbjr1, It's fun to know you guys will be there at the same time... We should do some activities together!
We will be there the 9th to the 16th bring ours and lets hang out, get a few drinks and have a great time!
5 days.. Your so lucky! I have 26 and counting and believe me, I'm counting every minute. I just can't wait to get there. I am so excited to meet...
My advice for all it's worth.. Don't worry about what you look like, easy for people to say I know. But, my best friend Brad always tells me that...
Hey bitchkitten, we arrive the 9th will you still be there?
What does were we bring you two mean? Are you getting on a head start for slammers Brad?
Cheri, are you from a marine back ground? Hoo-rah is usually marine and I love them. I have to say Steve just helped me with something and I...
Tequila volleyball will be on the top of my list...of course after my already promised slammers...then straight to the sexy pool... Were getting...
The got to have drink is any drink...I plan to have one in each hand at all times at the sexy pool! I know Jamie and my other slammer friends will...
Evertime I read these things about the fun games and all the fun there it makes me wish it were tomorrow. I never thought 27 days could take so...
I think it's amazing that he goes to this length to be sure everyone has the best possible time. Thanks Steve from me for making the excitement...
I will play all the games and get involved. I love that! So, it sounds like I'm going to have alot of fun!
Will people share with me what activity they had the most fun doing? I'm talking about stuff that they do at the resort. What advice can you give...