Lisa B are my initials so it threw me when I saw your thread..haha you simply must go on the cruise... u are now my Cancun name twin...Hope to...
I'm so already on the boat mentally! I'm trying to focus on work but somehow I picture a drink in my hand floating on the boat in just my swim...
I want to be fair...ugh...Three more wake ups!
Wow four, if Mindy and I hang out that will take it to six.. haha Us four would love to meet! See ya soon.
Awesome, come find us...we will be the ones at the sexy pool with ice cold drinks and oil! Haha Narrows it down huh! Let's get togther!
We arrive May 15th at about noon, plan to head stright to the sexy pool and begin the party! We leave on the mid day of the 22nd! Let's get...
That's so funny, Mark & I were standing on the back porch last night and when we saw a plane I told him, "just think somone on that plane is...
Thats so awesome, lets hook up and meet
We are coming, we are still on the same schedule for our flight and evverything! We will just have more room to dance, but we will party thats for...
My favorite slammers friend, my towel biotch, I want you to hurry and get better! We will wait on you in Cancun when you get there. Our thoughts...
Four of us are still coming, no stupid swine flu is stronger then the four of us ready to party in Cancun. Can't wiat to see all of you.
Just just said all the things I needed to hear! Come back and party with us May 15th!
I wonder if we should start a new May list of who is for sure coming, I'm really sad to see the ones who can't be there. Ugh!
Were still planning to stay with coming May 15th-22nd! Let the party start!
Sexy coffee is a must... a good finish..wait start for some to an amazing evening..Is it the 14th tomorrow?
I love the power of the true Cancun repeaters! Only sadness I feel about this trip is reading that someone will be there before me and I have to...
Hands down the Asian is best and Antinio is the best waiter on this planet!
Dan & Mindy and Mark & Lisa are going unless they shut the door to Mexico on us! If nothing drastic changes in 2 weeks come May15th about noon you...
Hi beautiful, your right and we need to go on our vacation!
Were going! May 15th all four of us!