You're On! You are on! I'll take the slammers and I KNOW that I will smile right away... I love to smile and be happy. With drinks I tend to get...
So, I have to say that the post about the big lady at the pool licking her nipples makes me think hmmm... Im new! Are there people of all kinds...
Northyin It sounds like we will be there the same week. My husband loves Tequila more then me.. Just kidding... But he does really follow the...
Whew Just when I was thinkin I might be brave enough I saw that and took a deep breath of relief...You made me crack up! :oops:
Count me in Girls love to dance, maybe my husband and your husband can sit at the table together while all us girls dance the night away!
Trust me Oh trust me, I plan to. I have been to Cabo three times and pretty much enjoyed every drop of Tequila offered. Thanks for the...
Me too.. What do most people wear? Anyone have any pics from a previous time they went?