Have fun...anyone interested can send questions directly to Karianddean@gmail.com!
Can people confirm who is still interested? One person has contacted us but there are still two weeks left!
Jacuzzi Suite! Three one week stays or use all three weeks at once. Kari is not able to get there before they need to be used and is willing to...
Dale and Cherri I love your photo! Infact...I took it! Smiles
Thanks you guys! Yes, Steve I want to change My photo and my name to just Bearcat! I'll try to email you a new photo! Thanks for all your help~!
Everyone is soo nice...thanks
Thank you for the kind words...However, I can't imagine not going the same week that my life long Temptation friends go!
I want to still come in May at least for a week! Mark has left our marriage and so I am not just Bearcat...sad but you can't help or control some...
Those of you who remember us as Bearcats should know that Mark has decided to leave the marriage! So...I am just Bearcat now! I hope to be able to...
We lookn so forward to seeing you guys every year! We already can't wait to see you again next May. I'm sorry to hear you had something difficult...
Jamie, I just knew you would come through strong, your too good to stay quiet! I am already looking forward to seeing you in May 2010 for 10 days!
Hi honey, you and Chris hang in there and just remember all of us love you! Keep us notified! Smooches
We will post pics and do our trip report soon but in the meantime we have some pics on my face book page... It was such a great trip this year!...
I'm down to four hours to the airport! Can't wait! :bigwave:
Were leaving tonight and now I can't get through the day fast enough after looking at those! How fun!
Sweet...thanks you guys...line up the slammers be there Friday afternoon
Ya we are repeaters we know about the dress codes, always dress very upscale for that. Thank you for the info. You bet on that drink, man I can't...
Are there irons? I know its not my first time but I can't remember if there is an iron in the room?
Ok seriously excited...we leave tomorrow night 5/14 at 1145pm to meet up with all of you!
FFTO...can you please find Kari & Dean and ask them to make a dinner reservation at Itialian food for 6 this Friday night....Please...I'll buy ya...