We're outta here!! :headbanger: George and Debbie
One time a trip or two ago, I awoke to find debbie in the other bed. My first thought was "Oh S**T! Did I say or do something wrong? :icon_eek:...
Whatever you do don't tell them you have bad knees and need a ground floor room. They will put you on the 2nd or 3rd floor Every time! (not that I...
Beers are flowing here and in 12 1/2hrs we will be in the air on our way to our Home Away From Home!! Get ready TTR here we come!!:mnm: Debbie and...
This HAS to be Glenn talkin'!! :D:D:D George
That would be have been a lot of fun John! Cannot wait to see you again!! XOXOXO Debbie
We are direct which is a good thing. We don't land till 3:30 so it will be 5ish before we are poolside! Have a cold beer ready for me and god...
Oh Boy!! We are really getting close George will be home in 1hr and 15 minutes and get the last few details taken care of and try to sleep tonight...
We will be waiting for you two!! XOXOX:ladiesman1: Debbie and George
Believe me I wasn't happy cleaning off my car this morning but one thing about Colorado this time of the year it melted a lot today. By the time...
It is beautiful but Damn its May!! :ranting1:We are done with it and ready for Cancun!! See you there...:huepfen021: Debbie
Damn she is hot! If I was a lesbian I would do her. Just kidding!!:icon_smile::icon_smile: Debbie
A little rain would be a lot better then the 6+inches of Snow that was on my Car at 5am this morning and it was still coming down. It will be just...
:beer4:Officially on vacation!!! Got my nails done today, Pedi and finish packing tomorrow!! Yeah Baby let the party begin...Cheers to everyone!...
PS: looking forward to seeing ya either way!!! :daveandmo: George
Wanna do both! :banghead::) I'm still trying to decide, I guess. :huh: George
Oh of course we remember!! What time do you arrive? Hope to be up and about after our first night...Cannot wait to see you Two!! XOXOX Debbie...
3 more sleeps(okay Tuesday night is iffy)8hrs of work for me/12 for George and we are Cancun bound! Looking forward to seeing everyone and making...
Yes the rain hardly ever lasts and remember it is Cancun and will be in the 80's so it is warm. Cover you drink and keep playing in the...
:mad: They are calling for SNOW on Sunday to Monday and have No Idea How Much!! Come on it is May 14th yet and I want Sand and Sun we need this...