I think we would go where our friends go. We have made lifelong friends every time we go to TTR so if it changes and our friend go elsewhere we...
Jamie you crack me up since I was thinking the Same Thing!!:ernaehrung015: Debbie
Dos XXX is what they have and I drink a lot of it! :beer4: Debbie
Cancuncare is how you keep up with your extended family! We have met so many awesome people on our trips(cant count how many) that we now feel...
We are in for more fun in May!! XOXO Lets get the Party Started!!!!!:aktion030: Debbie
Have a Wonderful Trip you all deserve it!! Give the kids a kiss from me!! Debbie
Bravo to you Sweetchildomine!! :xyxthumbs: Debbie
[IMG] We loved the old Nice Shoes Bar also...Hope to meet you sometime! Cheers and glad you had a good time!!! Debbie and George
We have done both and they are both awesome Chichen Itza was great but a very very long day for us, Tulum is just absolutely breathtaking and not...
I have a total of 7 Tattoos the most important one is on my right arm of a butterfly incorporated with the pink breast cancer ribbon with Hope...
We got AirTran for our flight out of Denver for our May trip and they were the best flight and crew we have had in along time. It was off...
You do know that Halloween is an Awesome Time don't you! Not saying we will be there. :cool014: Debbie
Bye Bye May 2014!! See you in 2015!!! Love You All... :sunny: :headbanger: :biggrinbandit: Debbie
Used it once at a water park when I was 16 and fell asleep for about 30 minutes or so and FRIED MYSELF!! Ankles swelled and peeled sheets...
After having sex, do fish smell like people? George
That is the best news!! XOXOXOXO time to do the Happy Dance...:cheerleaders: Debbie
Thank you for the update. That is SO GREAT!! Please keep us informed. So many prayers from me coming your way. Debbie
Gotta Love Me Some Mel!!! :aktion031: Love you My Phone Girl.... Debbie
When and if I ever sober up I may post what we remember. Debbie
Boarding soon, will wait with cold beer for you. They won't stay cold for long so I may have to drink it and get you another! Repeat an...