Cancun is way casual. It's warm. Just be comfortable. Add your own style, but don't dress for winter.
woo! get naked.
just a little hammered after the CC party... where did we go next? Frogs? [IMG]
so delete the 18 duplicate threads asking 'where to go on the first night' or 'how much money should I bring' or 'will it be busy in late march'...
Once again... why the hell would anyone bring $1000-$2000 cash to a place where you don't know the staff, you'll be sh$tfaced drunk the whole...
as long as you're kissin....
I was a Mod. Now I'm not. Everyone can feel free to kiss up to me anyway.
1/2 watermelon.
Henry! did you merge another thread with this one and screw up the post order? Fletch, tutor the boy please.
lol.. Cancun booking the same shit, different year.
Bulldog sucks. Don't try to plan your first night. You'll get to your hotel, unpack, and hit the hotel bar. Talk to the people there and see...
Imperial Laguna is pretty much right next door to Grand Royal Lagoon on a small side street near Pok ta Pok. Basically they are across the main...
uh oh.
you do not fly halfway around the world to wait in lines. or 4 hours. always options in Cancun.
if you had to you could stumble home from the clubs... directly across the lagoon from senor frogs. it's cheap and in cancun, that means it's all...
KP always fuels the hype... excellent job as always sir.
I stayed there in 2006 for a week. Nothing fancy, just a clean cheap little place on the lagoon. I passed out in the hammocks just about every...
woo indeed!
Everclear is not a good drunk. You may as well inject the stuff. You will not feel good.