I just booked that deal! I can't wait! not.
Cancun never fails to disappoint when it comes to live entertainment. They've been rolling Fat Joe out for about 10 years now. When MTV...
there's always another weekend, holiday, birthday, etc... don't change your routine, it's okay to avoid the cakes and fried foods and pizza...
Oh originally it was about Cancun... but just reminiscing a bit. Sad to see the lack of hype these days though.
BC commits to nothing until 3 days prior. flight from LGA to Chicago is 2 hours. Easy commute.
Stateside reunion is much more important than Cancun this year. Unfortunately, we always talk about this shit and most people bail before...
another one bites the dust... is it just Henry this year?
Henry has the busy schedule.. he needs to pick a weekend in the summer when it's warm and he's in Chitown
damn... $118 r/t from NYC to Chicago now.
they just like spending money and moving every 9 months.
I will definitely do Chitown again.. would like to actually see the city, and everything else it has to offer. Pick dates and I'll be there....
Keep up the good fight, Catrina! Wishing nothing but the best for you and your lovely family!
Hooking up in Cancun is the same as anywhere else... just with more people. Don't be a f&cking toolshed. If you don't have game in Iowa or...
To Amish Country? Sure... clear your schedule! :cool014:
Where you been hiding Chadster? I see that some of the usual suspects are dropping like flies... Reunion stateside. Let's do it.
Claire & Gemma said they were definitely in for this year... what's this talk about needing a miracle?
ghUK... no need to walk, the bus is super cheap and the source of some of the best time on your trip.
No matter how many times we say we're done.... the pictures remind you of just how crazy and awesome it can be! Can I get a f&cking WOO?
damn... nobody posting is from March... CollegeDude is right, no hype at all. Is Facebook stealing the forum thunder?
I was well over 10,000 and got set way back with the server change. I will rise again!