Yes guy! I will be sporting them a Romeo and Juliet # 3 cigar and a never ending cup of Appleton Rum ( and a smile) all week with you and the gang...
Absolutely! I will have a drink waiting for you! When do you leave?
Hey bro don't forget to bring me those beads this year! OR as Jackie called them "your a$@& beads!" Red /white/black if possible that's our hockey...
See Jamie that's why you are the Mayor! So well balanced and fair!
Oh I love that!
Rob you have always been a gentleman my friend. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Every time we have been through recently (6 times in the last two years) it's 1 push per family. Hope that helps. Good luck.
Order from them regularly... Usually 8-10 days to Toronto, Ont. You can expedite but really only takes about 3 days off. Where are you in the...
Wishing you a very speedy recovery my friend. Take care.
Horrible! Just spoke to my brother he was less than 5 mins away on the street when this crap happened! Just disgusting that someone would do this...
And where is Mel on this epic cruise?! She is certainly part of last years crew!
Just booked and paid! Should be a blast!
An example of a really swallow gene pool! My brother is an American from Boston,MA, I have other family in the ATL, I did my Masters at NU and...