Rappers= no tip lol
You sure her bad dancing wont disqualifier her? she my be just as bad in bed lol
Haha i got the hype you bring the rest lol
Indeed i am sir im going for it i think this year there is going to be some stiff competition it wont be easy im always at top forum tho lol. Even...
Haha indeed sir or the cc party which is my first night it will be followed by a trip to the frogs :musik026:
Man i cant get out of my head cancun you just wont go away you tell me its going to be okay in just 28 days wooooohoooooo im so pumped...
My phone works bro, but i don't take it with me tho i check it a few times daily.
Your all luckier then me this year i only get 4 nights 11-15 of march at least im going woot woot.
I make any hotel i stay in 5 star lol
That must be blues brother lol
Haha like son like father im sure you will take them lol
Haha i may just have lol
Haha true, but Henry i don't think even you can get me free drinks this year on my plane as im flying Frontier. thanks, a good friend you are...
Any news is better then none as are good buddy Ron jr would surlry agree with lol. I hope you can im pulling for you deen chad good buddy, slim at...
haha indeed i wonder why you didn't in fact you should tomorrow lol. :mnm: Woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot Beastman,...
Well Henry not every one has a Henry to fly with. i will just have to buy my drinks this year. it will be my turn to give drinks back to others in...
Haha maybe part of the reason why ;) cant wait woot woot
Thanks bro! Not really since its such a short trip the right flight, times i had to cough up more no biggie. im just lucky to be going lol
he has watermelon magic lol
Had an issue with alpharooms its be resolved so soon sir. when you booking?