OK online flight check-in done, work done, last repacking beginning then, the preparty begins
You guys should stay long it's you honeymoon:lotsofmichaelfs:
One Day [media]
Don't forget everybody leaving friday Morning checkin is tomarrow, or just remind me cause I'll forget and it's at 540 am for me.
Jannet I will be there 9/4-9/18 for the Labor Day party and I will see you guys this Sat
That is what I am wearing at work, This is going to be so aggervating for 2 wks
Thanks, just didn't want it to kill my dancing, someone t work said get KT tape so guess I'll try that.
Only 1 day and a wake up, any good ideas how to fix a knee sprain? just happened Monday :( :(
Thanks I would have never been able to find it drunk at 3am
I'm bummed everybody leaving for TTR today and I'm still suppose to be working.
The start of the last week of work 4 days left
I got to figure out to cut down on cloths I bring and don't use the weight is killing me.
When I stay 2 wks you have to remember to at least take one day off or I can't keep my eyes open before I even start drinking that day
This is the first time I am wishing the weekend would end so I can get back to work so next Friday gets here quicker
I have flow out of BWI many time through southwest and deployments it's a nice airport good food selection when your waiting.
I noticed that the exchange rate for Peso is better coming back then going down, I keep forgetting to stop and get some for my next trip on the...
There are, no worries everybody is welcome. Just come and say hi to anybody.
I love th 3000 block, would be better idf they got rid of some of the trees
You should fly southwest second bag is free
I tried to bring down some Lysol last Sept and couldn't get it on the plane even in checked bags non of you have that problem. I guess I will have...