Mel didn't mean to confuse you, LOL all depends on the cost to change flights actually
i am suppose to leave the day you arrive, but i have 13.5 weeks vacation so I told my job put me down for another week incase i wanna stay few...
Steve add me to the wait list too
Damm thought about extending my trip now this one sold out :(
Thanks for the friendship , can't wait to get there and meet everybody
:) ;)
As FUN as you want it to be;)
No AIWC this time chinos requested for me to bring a couple bottles of Rumplimintz
I will, maybe ;) hopefully it will go only 14 people signed up so far, cross fingers
Are you ready for the cruise, counting down the days now:)
Just booked ready to go
Sept 5-13th LOL Oh and yes for May and probable going to try Jan again 10-17, just can't do once a year anymore.
Your coming down sept, darn you'll miss the rumplminz chinos requested
I brought 12 cans in May and had to unload some of my checked baggage and put cloths in my carry on to make wieght.
One for the 7th
I'll be there, so count me in 8-23 probably
Yeah Me too , you have fun late sept it's going to be a little warmer than Jan what your used to LOL
I am going to be there 9/5-9/12, I am good, come on down a little earlier, I would have set my vacation to your dates if i knew earlier,
A smile would be great ;)
My dates are 5 thru the 13th have a drink ready for me :)