Latest update done... we're up to 338! Jamie
What date is your anniversary? Jamie
Think of it as a College Frat Party for adults..... the main party there will be drinking and dancing.... some people standing against the walls,...
So when did your mom come, or has she? Just looking to see if we know her. :) Jamie
Have you ever been in a group of people, say like a family, when one person over reacts to something and someone reaches out and pokes the bear?...
WOW!!!!! Seven pages in one day! I really haven't complained about the music since they stopped playing the theme from Hawaii 50 before Wilma....
Latest update done... we're up to 314. :) Jamie
This is the big MAYhem thread. :( Over the past two years more people are just talking on FB rather than here and some have shifted to other...
Tom (Icecube88) has done some over the years, don't know if he plans to do any this year. He should read this soon and might let us know. :) Jamie
Latest update done... we're up to 310!!! Jamie
Or picking the wrong God Damn month AGAIN!!!!!!! :) Jamie
Latest update done... we're up to 285!!!! Jamie
Last Friday was the first one. :) Jamie
I'm figuring those are where they have assigned the poor Playmakers in order to not impact revenue too much. :) Jamie
I thought I was intense in the way I looked at things.. :) One thing to remember in that calculation is it doesn't take into account how many of...
The best is walking up to ladies you don't know... tapping them on the shoulder and asking.. "Are you Jucy?" and trying to keep a straight face...
Latest updates done.. We're up to 285! Jamie
Update made! :) Jamie
:( I leave the 25th..... sniff Jamie
Who's birthday on the 5th? Jamie