Reading this made me think about one year we had learned to play the game with baseball caps on.... keeping the sun out of our eyes of course.......
There is also a place down the Beach to the left as you look at the Ocean.... well two, but go past the first to the second set up by the CANCUN...
Funny but to your point, I'm seeing a whole lot more takeover groups than we used to see, and funny that they are coming from Lifestyle Travel...
If you're at a Disney hotel, easiest is Disney Springs... bus there from your front door and has a street of bars that cover just about everyone....
They would get like three teams and hand them a list of stuff to go collect... hotel logo, unshaved male, shaved female, sex toy.... etc... team...
Don't remember that ending but it sounds like the Scavenger Hunt game.... Jamie
Till the rest of the building comes down on your head. :) Jamie
Braggart!!! :) Jamie
I'm sure there will be as there are at any hotel in the world on any given night. :) If you are looking for hook-ups, this isn't the site. Try...
Trust me... after all the times that Steve and I have gotten into it over the years..... you have to be a real asshole on here to get banned. And...
OK.... no more Roll Call updates for the month! If you didn't know you were going by now then you just have to wing it because tomorrow morning I...
Latest update done.. we're up to 468! Jamie
Latest update done... up to 464! Jamie
Latest update done... we're up to 462!!!! Jamie
OK....Latest update again.. now we're up to 458!!!!! Someone add their name to my message board rather than to the Roll Call list. :) Jamie
Latest update done... we're up to 456!!!! 6 Days and I get to come too! :) Jamie
Noticing a lot of posts here with dates that I don't think I've seen on the May Roll Call. with 17 pages of posts I don't have the time to...
Latest update done... we're up to 446!! Was trying to think if we had this many last minute additions every before and then realized that it's...
Latest update done... we're up to 432! Jamie
Can't have that.... :) ...all fixed Jamie