True..just seems like hes always lurking Fri nights
15 min countdown....still no Sheldon the King of Fireball himself
a couple hours? hopefully we can get a small group shot going
Almost fell to page 2..not on my watch! Anybody down for some Fireball shots tonight? I have brand new bottle waiting in the freezer
Down the hatchet!!!
She home. just poured 2....ready?
and Happy Birthday!!!!
We are in..April will be home in 10 min then we will. 2 hotties taking fireball shots...trouble!
Feb 17-22nd
Booked today..shorter trip as we will be back in Cancun for our Wedding in May. Feb 17 -Feb 22
anybody know what the late checkout policy is at TTR?
frickin packers..ughhhhhh
No fireball shots tonight? ouch
ya I heard you guys and Southern Minnesota are gonna get smacked. Are day here in Minneapolis isnt far away! blahhhh
We just did fireball shots! heading out to the bars, wishing we were just walking down to Patyos!!!!!
ya I will. prolly tonight or tomorrow
ya thats what I was thinking.thanx
cant move it. 10 people booked yesterday with a handful more in the coming days. also have a ? for ya..what the best way to book a 1 night stay...
just checked on flights again and same result..awful..$800-$900 per person..ouch. Must not be a place a lot of Minnesotans fly to cause its...
OK Mr and Mrs Busy as a Bee We are stuck til Feb then its either week 8 or Jaco Beach May is our wedding on Isla Mujeres with a couple sneak away...