If I am really hungover, it is Bloody Mary time, otherwise, it is likely to be Captain Morgan and Diet Coke. I usually mix in a day or two of...
I have never really met a stranger. Many of you may find this hard to believe, but April is usually fairly shy until either I break the ice or...
I want one of those t-shirts!
Here is one...How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Now get all your minds out of the gutter! I merely took...
Chip, Now I know who to run up to and give a giant hug to when this song comes on every time during our TTR trip. I would guess it will be at...
Sorry Steve! I feel confident that you won't have to address this subject with us again. Brent
We are doing great, Jim. Sales have been strong. We are going international late this year so I don't expect things to slow anytime soon. I...
Hey Jim & Cheryl! I hope the two of you are doing well. I am sure you will have a geat time again at the end of October. Do you happen to...
The after party in the pool tub was one of last year's highlights. You won't miss that!
Okay.....here is the link to our Official Octoberbreast song for 2014. [media] Let me know if you agree.... Perfect dance and party song!!!!...
I propose that we make this the official Octoberbreast song for 2014. 35,496,390 views 188,231 likes. Enrique Iglesias - Bailando (English...
Trust me...This is nothing you should look forward to seeing. Strictly for comic relief purposes only! Brent
This will be our 5th trip to TTR.....hopefully many more to come. April
I may end up in one of the ladies' g-strings or even drop trou on occasion, but square cut and speedos are not my thing. Brent
2 people for Oct 5th....Brent & April
Chip, you crack me up! LOL. Can't wait to see you and P in 30 days or so. XOXOX April
I'm getting super excited for Octoberbreast!!! 31 days and counting. I was just doing some naked tanning by the pool and the neighbor keeps...
This suggestion coming from the woman who doesn't own a watch and never knows what time it is a TTR! Lol Brent
Yes, I think each day we should pick a time to get together at both the sexy pool (maybe 4pm) and Patty O's (maybe 7pm). That way we can all hook...
I think that's a great idea. We can plan on meeting at the sexy pool in the afternoon or maybe even at Patty O's if a lot of people are arriving...