I get sticking up for TTR, but why stoop to that level? Even if it were her opinion being shared, why make it personal? She didn't personally...
Here is the response I just received from the Member who made disparaging comments to Nikki: "I missed the tongue in cheek of her post and am...
You should let Steve know about this as well as he would likely take some action. People like this don't deserve the privilege of participating...
Saw his screen name in an earlier post and already shared my thoughts on his page.
This member recently made some very disparaging and unsolicited comments about the appearance of one of our female friends so I would encourage...
F him!!! What a POS! There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the guys you will see in the sexy pool from time to time watching all the...
We will be arriving on the 2nd! We look forward to partying with you. You should get a pic or two on here so we will know who to look for....
I guess it will just be April and I partying in the sexy pool all by ourselves...lol First a Desire exodus and now dinner reservations! What's...
Excuse me? Schlong? As drunk as I have been while at TTR, I never got so drunk to pose for a pic that included any more schlongs than the one...
You are easy (As it relates to your sense of humor)! Once we get to TTR, I am likely to be a great source of laughter, but you will probably be...
Where is the dislike button? I do not endorse this request...lol
This was one of our most memorable dinners. Great conversation and some sexy fun (There is an R rated pic that came after Kyle took this one)....
We do the same thing, Kyle. We have never been turned away as a party of two, but have run into resistance with bigger parties. Nothing some...
I keep envisioning the drop dead look I would get from April if I tapped her on the shoulder while she was sucking on a pair or multiple pairs of...
I vote for no more organized activities other than those that have already been planned. One of the things we have always enjoyed most about...
I think you already know what song April would like to hear...lol Brent
Opppssss! I will buy the round shots for everyone! On a similar note, there should also be no talking about kids. I remember one year before...
Why is it so quiet on here today? Is everyone actually working? LOL April
I love that song!!!!! April
So Adorable!!!!!! Love that puppy!