Hi, Last time were there was Sept 2015. All the pools are topless now. shit, we had everyone going topless, specially at the Foam Party which...
I don't think TTR could ever be replaced, we all agree there. This is just an options for something yet still fun, but a little different. It's...
Yes it is, Pools and beaches are.
it's opening on May 6th in Riviera Maya, adjacent to Desire.
it's called a day pass buddy, thanks. :)
update: My Travel Agent just confirmed with AMResorts the Pools and Beaches are Topless Optional!
Well, we will let all you TTR regulars know how it goes. We get Raunchy all day and we are coming with a TTR party mind so we will know very...
Home Opens May 6th 2016. We will be there 5/21-30.
Hey guys change of plans. Staying at SENS OASIS till the 13. Come by and lets chill.
We are staying at SENS any active lifestyle folks here? Message us. Let's play.
Thank god I double checked out flights! We leave for airport at 4:30 not 6am. Lol wooops! It's all Jason& Tara fault!! They kept me up all night...
Can't sleep!! Too anxious!! Be there by morning!!