Sorry I haven't checked this stupid thing since we got back. facebook me sonya roberson. It was fun to hangout with y'all. Take care, Sonya and...
We're showing rain thru monday. Does this event get rained out? Or do we party thru the storms?
We'll be there our plane is leaving later than we thought so we're confirming that we'll be there to do the boobs cruise! Can't wait. Sonya and...
Less than a week! Do we ever need a vacation...
We'll be there on the 16th. See you at the pool.
Slow days and slower nights! [img] :aktion061:
Hey everybody, just checking in! Getting closer! Purplemarc1, you need to post a picture so we know you when we see you!
OK everybody, we need to hit up everyone...this needs to happen!
Talked the hubby...add us to the list.
We leave bright and early on the 22nd, but, we'll see what we can do.
[img] Getting closer!
Input on water and dolphins Hey everybody, thanks for the input on everything. You've all given us some great insite. :daveandmo: S & J
Is Wally world one the way to the resort?
thanks,we'll def be looking out for wal-mart. If not with the transfer, on our own.
We're headed to Temptations Nov 16-22. Can anyone tell us about the Dolphin Tours? Will there be anything close to Temptations in Cancun, or...
Hey everybody, looks like we'll be coming in around the same time as y'all. Could someone tell me how to post a freakin' picture?
Hey everybody, we're headed to Temptations Nov 16-22.