Oh...I won a bottle of apple pie in a raffle, I may have to pack it in to the bag!
They've always been super accommodating about the drinks on the boat. I always get the juicey soda they make the cocktails with when I've reached...
AUGH. They are calling for another storm in Boston Saturday/Sunday. I'm supposed to leave Sunday morning!! NOOOOOOOO!!! I will be on a plane.
I'm sure they will be more jealous of the fun you are going to have while they are stuck at work rummaging through other people's bags!
This post seems like some post whoring.
Ohh...I'm a little nervous. I'm only a few days off antibiotics for pnuemonia. Still barely healthy enough to make it through a day of work...
If you only drink tequila shots, you may end up too drunk? (I'm reaching here). I always have a whiskey day where I hate myself the next day. The...
Green, purple, and gold colors. I have a green dress, purple mask, feather earrings, and lots of beads!
So, I've done the pudding ones - they come out really liquidy with chunks of pudding. If you're gonna do it, use WAY less liquid than the internet...
There is enough chlorine in that pool to kill a small child. It may be gross, but it's all dead.
Ha! We are at 16 inches and counting in downtown Boston. And it it coming down!! Supposed to continue for another 12-14 hours.
I was thinking an apron as well, but was going for something a little frillier. Perhaps I'll wear a small white board to be the "other" word you...
I know this spam guy is gone, but as for his question (in case others are looking) - I've been there where there are groups of guys (the 4 NYC...
Back to the original point...no matter how much the music sucks (or doesn't suck) - speakers attached to what you think is better music just makes...
From the top floor in downtown Boston...I have heat, electricity, and Chinese food delivery available for breakfast. Piffle on this little...
Yes! Can't wait!
Alpharooms seems to work as well, thought i don't know if they do last minute stuff
*sigh* just got online. :( I want to be on the standby list. There is only one of me.
I'm in! Can't wait!
Well, it's vacation week cause I'm a teacher ;)