Not in the house she lives in. lol. I told you I'd bring you a flames jersey to wear too!!! :elizabeth:
FLAMES!!!!! There is no choice Monique......
Personally, the "only" :icon_rolleyes: reason I come is to help even out the disparity between boobs and dicks....... Each woman has two boobs...
Your house looked great! (Except where Glenn was cooking bacon! Lol Thanks again for the hospitality......great weekend! It's tough for...
Don't think of it as us avoiding you........its just bad timing is all......:brick:
Noon eastern is 10 AM Alberta time. Keith.....are you at Ceili's already?
All this talk about Mayhem! I think I better check it out myself! Making a short but fun visit May 17-20! Looking forward to seeing some old...
I would like too but it's tough to take a couple extra days off around month end here. If I do, I might just blast out Friday night for the...
I should have added that I use one to put my stuff on / under. Much appreciated and looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple weeks and in...
Vince you ARE the best chair bitch! :bowdown: I know you were missed last year and I appreciate your efforts always. I don't usually need a...
I think you could do that ......but your date may float away! Also, make sure you're gentle with her so she doesn't spring a leak in one of her...
Wax just prior to leaving otherwise you get stubbly at the end of your trip. Lol
Cheers Malcolm! It'll be great to see you and hoist a few again!!!
awesome!!!!!! Proud to sail with you on your 50th! What can we do to persuade them!!
This is a wonderful forum full of information. Spend some time reading and you'll get a sense of what to expect. Maybe post a little more about...
I'm on a plane on the 20th.......make it the 18th!!! :huepfen013:
2words ......Glue
You have ears for that cowboy hat?? :crab:
Damn, gonna miss seeing you in hot chaps!!!! :bowdown:
How are you going to babysit if you're not on the boat........and usually need the babysitting! LOL.... Ahhhh Kitty, we'll...