Time to Crash.......up in 4.5 hours and on our way!!!! Cant wait!!
Wait.....you go north.....to go south? :banghead:
Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you and having a great time! Is this your first trip??
Well?? I trust you had fun?? Craig
In about exactly two weeks a large group of the Calgary chapter will be arriving!!! Westjet may need some repairs before flying out that day!!...
I've found that the JD Tennessee Fire is a very nice replacement for fireball.....perhaps even a little smoother...... I'll likely be bringing...
It's been way to long (4 years?) since I really was able to party TTR style with the Crewe. Can't wait to be there (3 weeks) and have an awesome...
You'll find a few of us from the Stampede city hanging out that week! Always room for more! Come say hi, post a picture so we recognize you...
Alpharooms shows 15th for 7 days available......$1600 US for double occupancy
I know!! Damn.....so much has happened in the past couple months.
The Captain.......riding single once again........November 27 - December 6! Cant wait!
Official approval for time off received! Janet, please put me down for Nov 27 - Dec 6! Looking forward to partying with the awesome Chaos...
Looking forward to Trip no 11!! Janet please add me for Nov 27 - Dec 6! Can't wait! :mnm:
WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! :lotsofmichaelfs: Time off from the new job officially approved! I'm looking forward to hanging out with the awesome...
I find wearing my cancuncare band overtop works well to keep the scratching to a minimum.
Just remove yourself to the quiet pool for a bit every 4 hours Donald. :icon_surprised:
Absolutely!! Jump in and have a great time. Being in costume you'll feel part of that group.
My experience has been more of us single guys than single girls......just sayin...:aktion054:
Happy Birthday Steve!! Hope it's excellent!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Would love to!!