Oh yeah :xyxthumbs:......I have them both now.....lol. WAITER!!! I need my bubba refilled! :beer4:
I think I'm okay with BCAD.....(All you folks may differ on that) but I'm not so sure about that borat (don't ask me why) on the 8th Boobs Cruise....
Hmmmm as much as that would be great.....I don't think it's doable. I know....and MAY be longer depending on what happens in...
Missing you by a couple days....... :icon_cry:. Have an awesome time!
I'm not sure is that falls within "manscaping".......depending on how sticky these are and how much he's had to drink........there could be some...
Thanks eh! :angel1:
Remind me not to piss you off. Lol. :icon_eek:
Awesome idea! I bet we can put $1000 in Chino's hands!
It could cause quite a rooster tail if he didn't let go of the rope!
Probably helps keep him "up".
Sexy juices can be the new "safe" word. Lol
Well as they say, birds of a feather flock together! Can't wait to meet all you flockers for drinks in the sexy pool!! :ernaehrung015:
Lord knows I've tried! That rope and brick remedy only turned it a strange color! :deadhorse: Agreed no jailbait.
What can you suggest?
It's getting so hard to find a biter these days. Or at least one who admits they are. :aktion047:
What does that mean?? I'm confused. :icon_confused:
I was thinking more for me :doh:.........we have $1 coins vs $1 bills up here, I was not paying attention.....who want's to deal with coins in...
Those look great! I'll take 5 please (easy accounting that way)
Bahahaha....the rumours are flying around!!