am I crazy, wait don't answer that. ok it makes me crazy, that last week until you leave on vacation!!! time slows down to a crawl!! See everyone...
they have a nice shopping mall on hotel zone, some in the gift shop on property, also la isla down past senor frogs on the hotel zone. la isla is...
im sure you just show up at paty o the morning of and if there are no shows then you can book.
youll get there! good for you for sticking to it. its a tough goal I know.
wow happy for you!! sure wish I could have dropped weight. but I guess I had better get over it. wont happen pigging out on everything is sight!
perfect way to start vacation day!!!
15 days left until we arrive!! wow its close now. will be at resort around 8pm shots anyone!!
wow jess looking good!! keep it up! that's very inspirational! it shows if you stick to it, it can be done!! way to go!
hubby and I walked to la isla mall nice walk. a little further than he wanted, but lots of stopping along the way to look if you want to see things.
lost a couple more so about 5 down now. not enough but I will take it. would like a total of at least 10 before Halloween will try to do it.
Holy cow Batman!! that's a blacken decker pussy wrecker!!
You know what would look good on you? Me!
sounds like the two of you are doing great!! keep up the good work!
I hear ya, since beginning of may I have gained about 15 lbs. quit smoking. very happy not to smoke, but sad about the weight. so trying hard to...
staying at the same weight is better than gaining!! bad days and or weekends happen, we all have them. I guess the trick is to limit the damage...
great job!! you both are doing so good!!! stay strong keep it up. well 155 so lost 3lbs. not a lot, along way to go, but still not smoking!! oh...
very proud of you ladies!!! cant wait until I have some good news myself.
good job jess! keeps us motivated when we see results. waiting for some good results myself.
wow!! you guys have made great progress. stick it out, even though it can get really aggravating! im back on the wagon now and I hope to drop 10...