okkkk stability shoes if you prefer!! me I did pretty good in heels one night that I wore them!! yep muffins be damned also!!
well said m
yep always do weights. kinda a bummer but have to start off kinda heavy, because otherwise I don't feel it unless I do mega sets
sounds good, but who hunts who?
that's good, I have plenty of muscle, so just to reduce the fat! its slowly coming off. I pretty much have the no smoking thing down, well I...
during our recent Halloween stay, the cigar lounge lights were always on at night. I love the 5000 block rooms. mainly storage space, ac works...
tribal night?
a lot of prints to choose from that's for sure! actually I saw a sexy little no. in zebra print.
how about shorty shorts, and half tops, and high heel night!! in glittery colors or animal print? sounds easy and fun!
we also got in on that crazy sept. deal.but were never asked to sign any paper? oh well it was a great time! hope to see another killer deal in...
ya I will be easy on it. my left knee I stretched my acl and mcl I had to wear a mechanical knee brace for 6 weeks 24 hours a day except to...
very happy spent 11 days at ttr, and only gained two pounds!! how that happened I will never know!! ate a lot!!! but we took a lot of long walks!...
tip what you can afford!! some people tip high, and some whatever they can. I think by tipping you show appreciation for a service. but you don't...
leaving for airport in the morning!! wont get to ttr until 8pm but much better than getting there at all!! see everyone soon!!!
glad to hear cindy got the first day curse out of the way!! keep the place warmed up, only a couple more days until we get there!
All kinds of Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow!! all the excitement caught up to her for sure!! We haven't passed out early on the first day/night, but got lost going back to our room!!!...
well im at the if its not in shape tan it and dress it cute! stage!
ok damn!! I promised myself not to over pack. ha ha ha like that's not going to happen!! can never decide what to wear! I did cut down on the...
wow great job! both you and jess are doing amazing! happy for you guys. keep it up!