sounds like you are accomplishing your goal m. good for you. as long as your happy, do what you feel you need to do. phillip was getting a...
aww deb, I know what your feeling. doesn't seem fair does it. but you are 100 per. right. its your life!!! do what is right for you.. I wanted...
I do 5min. on the bike first thing. alternating easy for a min. the balls out for a min. so forth. then weights. legs gut one day. top gut next....
for sure. I guess everybody has to find what works for them!!!
I hear you on the motivation thing. I want to be and stay in shape. Not just for vac. but it seems as if it does help a lot. Ive always eaten...
we signed back up at crossroads. they don't have a steam room but they have tanning booths. a must before we go to ttr. did my ole arch enemie...
ok wow! discovered the stairmaster! evil machine. works, my new best friend!!
wow congrates you guys! hope all goes well.
ok, im at it again. need to be considerably thinner by end of may. going to gym in a little bit. have watched eating really good for a week. feel...
im not a prude. I took my top off last oct. for the first time. ya me! I don't give bj s in public. still not a prude. don't have sex in public,...
This to me is sad! I know how people can drink and get stupid. I do believe this was handled wrong. ttr should have investigated this before...
I guess I have been really lucky. The only sick I have had is self inflicted!!! we also bring Imodium, sinus, allergy, pepto, ect. little things...
I had a problem a few years ago with a jerk being inappropriate and wouldn't take no for an answer. I told security, and yes some don't speak...
rest get better! wow I hate that crap. hitting the miss button a lot.
well no knee pain!! been gone for about 2 weeks now with no sign of coming back!!!! then wrist started hurting out of nowhere. wtf!! getting...
interesting for sure! but I still believe that exercise and proper fitting support are the key to well adjusted boobies. well genetics play a...
strange, but the one thing that wasn't mentioned here is, wear good support bras!!!! I love nothing better than to know im wearing some lacy...
well the knee pain is really coming along nicely. don't feel too much now at all. now feels like I have a wrist problem! damn I love this...
hell yes!! if I had the guts, I would wear it for any of the nights there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hat and boots? icing on the cake! go for it!
cowboy girl night sounds like a lot of fun. a lot of options there too.