that is just trashy!!!!! ewww its like when people stick them in the food they were eating! yuk! I used to smoke, sometimes steal one if...
And we shouldn't! just crazy. Well have a st. pattys/ house warming party to go to sat. what to take? I guess that means shopping damn it. I...
I have seen some very sexy outfits at ttr! but that is what makes the place so fun. dress sexy or not. why would anyone with jealously issues go...
ok enough of this, new rule, don't wear pants!!!! ha ha then wont care how they would of fit!! by George I think im on to something!! seriously...
I promised myself not to get on scale! just going by how clothes and myself. ya know how it feels when you tie your shoe, button up pants, bra...
whenever we talk about our trips with friends, we have many, many stories to tell them about the great service! hearing some talk about bad food?...
Wow! what an asshole!!! What gives anyone the right to say such mean things to someone! I have had an eyebrow raised a few times by people...
yuk hope you get feeling better! had beers over the weekend. kept the food choices good. kinda a trade.
good morning all! I do believe I can see a waist! not positive but could be! will have to check again about Wednesday. if so there is light at...
well went I worked out, for a sat. it counts! chest and arms a little sore. bumped it up for legs wasn't getting even a little sore. but its all...
We personally haven't gone. a few years ago it was a girls trip, and my friends went. they went to coco bongos. they loved it for the show. but...
ha ha im sure it is!! really good for shots!
It is. I don't know what you pay for a bottle. but when it first came out it was fairly cheap. then the price went high really fast! making my...
tequila rose is great! bought it for first time about 10 years ago. been making my own for special occasions. it is very fattening!!!!! but oh...
don't know how? but last oct. only gained 3 lbs. in 11 days! didn't eat way excessive, but didn't skip what I liked either! lucky, culd be but not...
yep so right! too bad the 75 per. of the food I like is not going to help!! ha ha ha no I really like healthy food. but do so love the bad bad...
to me that's a lot. but if you have it, and it is what you feel works best for you, do it. for me a fat camp! no goodies, pt everyday, just one...
wow you go girl!! Im not sure im ready for that much commitment. but I applaud those that are. Your own opinion is what matters. Its you who have...
I would love to have a pt! but yes very expensive. the gym we belong to isn't a lot. If you go month to month its 25 dollars. yearly its...
29th aug. to sept. 6th!! yay