That isn't a good idea for this wild one...because if we were there on a thursday, a tube sock would be worn.....and that is all
I guess we need to start getting things for theme nights. Hmm
We are down to 17 I think
Well....guido, jaime, what do yall think?
Que the Beverly hillbillies theme song. We may have a slight accent, but we don't go that far
No not south texas...east arkansas... man
We are about an hour after yall...I think 2...has anyone brought up maybe having a toy of course an old school scott...kilt but no under
U had better not be..I do have a request. My cryptonite is when a pretty lady hands me a drink I can't say ladies, do your damage....
On this coming friday, we have 2 weeks. Let's get this Thang goin
I was told that chicken jim was conceived on one of these booze cruises... be ye warned ladies. The world can't handle 2 jims
That's like us
LET has a good point...especially if u get so ad as to be whiskey dic $ed
Well..seeing as how texans like us party...I say the later of the 2 is best
Sweet deal
Oh my god yes!!! Always the week before..
Well...I hope she has a fake id...because 10 year Olds are frowned upon there...hahaba
Look at that..canadians finding each other. So cute
Did u hear that guys?? They called us beautiful people!! Sweet. We have them fooled. Jk