So for the longest time u have doing it wrong...a 52 in the place of a 69 is no fun
Great catch!! 69!!
I know 4 more that are gonna book as well
At a boy!!! I'm glad someone said it
Wow....that was fast. Plus 2 for us
I can too. But it gets mixed up with our south texas sun
Oh if yall don't know us, you will soon. Bring on the shenanigans and drinks because uncle barbecue is coming to town
I don't like looking back because the date on it is so far back. Can we move it up to today, so it seems closer?
Oh u said it man!! If it isnt, we can blame al gore for the internet
Yall better get there early
Umm. If the job is vacant bud...I will sacrifice and stay in your room with your wife to make "jello shots" hahaha. (Jk) but for real...I will
That's great...but what are u gonna do for the rest of the trip for shot cups?? Ha
Well u better have a crap ton made then...cause deereman and cafegirl love them jello shots. It makes me feel like I'm a lubes cafeteria
We just extended ours from the 8th to the 13th. Bring on the jello shots. Unless they have coconut pineapple or banana in them....then I will pass
Not only will I take all those jello shots, but that cake is awesome!!! What dates are yall there
So. Things have changed a bit. We were able to extend our trip a little...even though this is our first time in may, like kevin and ailisha...
We have done both as well. We are early 30's but went in late 220' is good and all but you really can't compare the 2 until u try them both....
Well spoken oh great one
I am very impressed with this may group!! This should be and most likely will be one blast of a least until we leave. Jk
Yes. Sarah is back. And 2 Canadian girls with tans are there as well. We saw them last month