I need to make a list of peoples names before I leave. I'll be the quiet single guy walking to the sexy pool after lunch. I will need drinks to...
Flying in tomorrow! Be there by lunch time. Will find the sexy pool.
Here's a blast from the past that hopefully we'll hear on 80's night: Funky Cold Medina
All us Septembrians with birthdays. Mine is the 15th.
Steve, I was going to ask to switch from the 5th to this one. Let me know if spots open up.
Thats good news. My ex-wife and I went to Hedo II years ago. Had fun, but yes, place was a dump. I did see some nice 5 star resorts that seemed...
Speaking as a single guy, I hope not. But I come home on the 7th, so maybe just two bad days for me, lol.
I leave on Saturday. First time going to any resort as a single guy.
You don't need that kind of money if staying at the resort, right? I was really just planning on bringing tip money since I'm not leaving the...
It would certainly be flattering. To steal a football quote, since its almost football season, it will be a game time decision. LOL
I agree with you. I'm now single as well, but never into the "lifestyle". I prefer to find a single woman. I'm also not one of those obnoxious...
It looks like I'm not really participating in the theme nights because I don't really know what to expect or bring since I haven't been before. I...
Sounds like Atlanta is representing there in Mexico. We Atlantans are a fun bunch :)
I'm Aug 31-Sept 7.
Shame I won't be on that plane! I moved from Atlanta to Oklahoma City (of all places) last year, so flying in from Texas.
Hey, my real name is Jeff.
A lot of these theme nights seem geared for the ladies, so what is a guy supposed to wear? There's 2 different "white" nights, so I assume a...
Josh, you and I sound a lot alike, so I'm glad you had fun.
I usually don't do shots, but for you I'll make the sacrifice ;)