Medium ty :-)
Any need from N.Y.???I got one right by me..
Jet blue out of ft Lauderdale??? Same time we arrive :-) :-) :-) maybe start our party at airport :-) :-) :-) :-)
One week exactly!!!!!! I just hope we survive the night in Florida to make it to mexico :-) :-) :-) :-)
woah,,, a man who knows what a non rebreather is!! I'm in heaven,,,,,,, crown royal po stat!!!!!!!!!! continous flow!!!!
I'm thinking the whole dam gang of us are * pre sick*,,but thats ok,,,,, better now than then,,,, rest up now cause theres no rest in mexico!!!!!
:aktion069:8 sleeps,,..,. , .looking forward to breaking you guys in!:ladiesman1:
let the fun dip begin !!!!!!!
oh no,,,,, feeling weak,,,, you need alcohol and a nurse!!!!!!!
9 sleeps !!!!! so close i can taste it,,,, (: lets get this party started
wish list is simple,,, to come home with a smile on my face that i just cant explain!:angel2:
i think fireball solves all three wishes,, (:
sounds like something we could try on each other (: pasties anyone?? :flash:
Be sure and post dates and room number :-) :-).. and leave a fireball trail for the unicorns :-)
hey i must be doing something right,,, got me a wedding without even putting out yet!!!!
aww a rose,,,you are very forgiven,,, xxoxo,,lol
water,,,, goat,,, dairy queen,,, 12 days till water time,,,,,,,,,, i miss the shit out of you,,,, ,,,.,
oh i love when a tat starts in one place and leads somewhere very different,,,,, (:
ahhh,, she's learning early,,,,,,,,,, wait till your third trip,, you will be packing pasties only!!!!
i have decided that perhaps i should stay off ccc the month before the trip,, all these conversations and flirting is driving me insane,, i cant...