I'm working on it,,, you better keep your promise!!!!!.. (:
put baby powder on first.. it makes it not so bad (:
wow,, do you have my picture next to that description. :mermaid:
oh trust me,, you won't be able to ignore me (: sounds like one heck of a party we got going (::3some::3some::3some::3some:
sounds like we got one heck of a party getting going!!,,, ill bring the fireball!!! (::3some::3some::3some:
donating my balcony,,,:mermaid:,,will most likely be overlooking sexy pool (:
My vote goes for white dress shirt,,, armed forces,,,,dr/rn night and sports team night
How can I not agree with that one..... or maybe I can be a n naughty patient :-) :-)
Yippeeee :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I will be there Sept 16_23.. how to get the chance to party..first shot on me
Uh oh.... some more sept party animals.... can't wait to see what ya got....:-)
I sure hope your bringing your a game,,,,, I hear it's going to be crazy that week :-) :-)
ExCited beyond belief...... third times a charm :-) :-)
hey you,,,,,,, too funny,, i was just thinking about you,, i passed a dry cleaners called double g,,, lol..... you guys thinking of september??...
So you gotta warm the party up for me:-) :-) :-).. can't wait :-)
Welcome newbies, :-) :-) :-).your going to have an awesome time... when are you joining us?? Sept 16_23 is guaranteed to be crazy :-) :-) :-)
I do believe there are appointments available still.... :-)
sept 16-22,,, you are more than welcome to hang with us, ,,, ,, were a few single gals and we always go down single.....
hi friends,., first off my deepest condolences about your boys,,,,,, and congrats on a long healthy marriage,,,,,,, first celebratory drink is on...
and we shall make it memorable!!!!!:partyhorn::partyhorn::partyhorn: